Spotlight For Jack And I

A psychological suspense novel about two teenage boys. The twist? They’re both named Jack and both inhabit the same body. “Mostly I was relieved to put some distance between Jack and myself, although this wasn’t possible because I am Jack, too. And sort of not Jack. I am I, or rather, I am me.”

1994. Jack Kennett is 16 and suffers from undiagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder). Abandoned at age two, Jack has been in the New Jersey care system all his life: foster homes and once placed for adoption with the Kennetts, a family he adored, especially their daughter, Cara. As the divisive war between the two personalities escalates, Jack (the host) is in despair and feeling powerless as he experiences amnesiac events and must deal with his alter’s promiscuity, truancy, and illegal acts. How will the war between the personalities end?

“A compelling and intricate tale that masterfully unravels the complexities of identity.”
—Lilja Sigurðardóttir, author of Snare

“Egan fearlessly tackes the complex and mysterious malady and creates two unforgettable characters—the two Jacks—who struggles to own the same body. Jack & I is a psychological thriller and a nuanced portrayal of the torment experienced by those with this rare form of mental illness; a page-turner that both entertains and enlightens.”
—Michael Alenyikov, author of Sorrow’s Drive

“Brava! Jack & I takes us on a journey into Jack’s world of having to coexist with an alter personality whose morals and actions are in direct conflict with Jack’s own values. A masterful job of getting the reader to feel Jack’s helplessness and hopelessness as he hosts this destructive personality.”
—Judy Shepps Battle, pschotherapist

“An emotional rollercoaster, moving from heartbreaking and finally to hope as the reader witnesses the damage done to a child who sufers trauma at the hands of adults who are supposed to protect him.”
—Corrine LeBaron, MSS, CEO of a foster-care non-profit

About the author

Laury A. Egan is the author of thirteen novels: “The Black Leopard’s Kiss & The Writer Remembers,” “The Psychologist’s Shadow,” “The Firefly;” “Once, Upon an Island;” “Doublecrossed;” “Wave in D Minor;” “Turnabout;” “The Swimmer;” “The Ungodly Hour;” “A Bittersweet Tale;” “Fabulous! An Opera Buffa;” “The Outcast Oracle;” “Jenny Kidd;” and a collection, “Fog and Other Stories.” She writes in a range of genres from literary, psychological suspense, comedy, and portrait/romance. Her four poetry collections: “Snow, Shadows, a Stranger;” “Beneath the Lion’s Paw;” “The Sea & Beyond;” and “Presence & Absence” (for more information on the poetry titles, visit the author’s website). Her work has appeared in over 85 literary journals and multiple anthologies.

Jack & I 

by Laury A. Egan 

Publication Date: May 18, 2024 

“A compelling and intricate tale that master fully unravels the complexities of identity.” —Lilja Sigurðardóttir, author of Snare 

A psychological suspense novel about two teenage  boys. The twist? They’re both named Jack and both  inhabit the same body. 

“Mostly I was relieved to put distance between Jack  and myself, although this wasn’t possible because I  am Jack, too. And sort of not Jack. I am I, or rather, I  am me.”  

1994. Jack Kennett is sixteen and suffers from un diagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple  Personality Disorder). Abandoned at age two, Jack has  been in the New Jersey care system all of his life:  foster homes and once placed for private adoption  with the Kennetts, a family he adored, especially their  daughter, Cara. As the divisive war between the two  personalities escalates, Jack (the host) is in despair  and feeling powerless as he experiences amnesiac  events and must deal with his alter’s promiscuity,  truancy, and illegal acts. How will the war between  the personalities end?  

“Egan fearlessly tackles this complex and mysterious  malady and creates two unforgettable characters—the  two Jacks—who struggle to own the same body. Jack  & I is a psychological thriller and a nuanced portrayal  of the torment experienced by those with this rare  

form of mental illness; a page-turner that both enter tains and enlightens.” 

—Michael Alenyikov, author of Sorrow’s Drive 

“Brava! Jack & I takes us on a journey into Jack’s  world of having to coexist with an alter personality  whose morals and actions are in direct conflict with  Jack’s own values. A masterful job of getting the  reader to feel Jack’s helplessness and hopelessness as  he hosts this destructive personality.” 

—Judy Shepps Battle, psychotherapist 

“An emotional rollercoaster, moving from heart breaking and finally to hope as the reader witnesses  the damage done to a child who suffers trauma at the  

hands of adults who are supposed to protect him.” —Corinne LeBaron, MSS and CEO of a foster-care  non-profit 

Available in paperback: $14.99; eBook $4.99 ISBN: 978-1-915905-34-5 – 264 pages 


GoodReads: jack-i 

Laury A. Egan is the author of thirteen novels, including  The Black Leopard’s Kiss & The Writer Remembers, The  Psychologist’s Shadow; Once, Upon an Island; The Firefly; Doublecrossed; and Jenny Kidd; a collection,  Fog and Other Stories, and four volumes of poetry. She  lives on the northern coast of New Jersey.  


Cover design by Laury A. Egan with assistance  

by Vicki DeVico. Illustration courtesy of

Enigma Books, an imprint of Spectrum Books 


Laury A. Egan: 

Andrew May: